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Are you READY to take your business to the next level?

We are the Ultimate X Plan™ - proud founders of acclaimed coaching products like the Ultimate Launch Plan™ - the nationwide top-selling step-by-step 52-week guide to real estate domination (for under $1 dollar per day!)...

Check it out:

I'm Ready to GROW!

Lexy Sanchez

... the listing QUEEN, went from taking 4 listings one year to 92 listings the next year using a completely unique and highly systematic approach to building relationships fast - with the right people, at the right time, in the right way. Her system changed her life forever, and it will change yours!! Learn how to list a home every day.

Lexy is an Aquarius, has two dogs named Lulu and Tidus, and used to work in the haunted mansion at Disneyland! Learn more about Lexy online at

Jeff Richmond

... the appointment setting beast, has created a lead conversion and appointment setting program that helped his company to increase their listing inventory by over 400% in a single year!! Learn how to set appointments like a machine! Jeff has trained world class ISA's (appointment setters) for years and is sharing his strategies and training plan!

Jeff loves boating, bourbon, has two cats named Jelly Bean and Yuki, and played trumpet in a touring circus show!

John Pohly

... the tech guru, has won international lead generation competitions and has helped some of the best in the industry to implement powerful lead generation strategies that have brought them results that are simply unparalelled anywhere else!! Learn how to create listing leads with proven strategies!

John has two boxer dogs named Kauai and Chloe, loves Chicken Kiev, and is training to become the next America Ninja Warrior!

The 5 Must Have kvCORE Strategies (eBook)

If you are currently making the switch to kvCORE™, the Ultimate X Plan™ team walks you through the best practice for generating HUGE amounts of business is no time at all with our amazing new ebook!

Get your copy now ... it's FREE:

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The Ultimate "X" Courses ...

Check out the top-rated courses from Ultimate X Plan™ ...

Ultimate Buyers Plan™

Learn how to create more buyers than you need at any time. Learn how to make buyers a critical leverage point in your business.

Ultimate BUYERS Plan™

Ultimate Launch Plan™

The premier 52 week step-by-step course for building a huge business in real estate. Put all the pieces in place to build your own success!

Ultimate LAUNCH Plan™

Ultimate Listing Plan™

Our top-selling course of all time! Learn to take listings like never before. Learn how to create leads, convert for appointments, and close for listings! 

Ultimate LISTING Plan™

Sign Up for Ultimate Launch Plan™ Today for ONLY $1 Dollar!

We believe that building your skillset shouldn't cost a fortune...


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